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00 Garrett-Gonzales School Road, Victoria, TX 77901

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For Sale


182.55 acres

Estimated Payment

$      /mo.

APR for 30 years

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  • Other Residential
    Property type

  • 182.6 acres
    Lot size

Explore this Property

182.55 acres, just minutes from shopping and restaurants. This property is one of the last true tall grass coastal prairie pastures in Victoria County, per the county A&M Ag extension agent. All the fences on the ranch are all less than 7 years old, are high quality, and are in excellent shape. This ranch property is a sportsman's paradise with excellent dove hunting, numerous quail coveys, outstanding late season duck hunting, and whitetail deer. Has a powerful solar powered pump feeding a great pond full of mature copper nose bluegill and Florida strain bass. Currently, the bass are in the 3-5 lb. class but tend to put on a pound or more per year. Numerous deer live on and around the property and have not been hunted by the current owners. This ranch just begs for a 1-2 acre fenced food plot to grow large, heavy whitetail bucks. While no turkey roost on the property, they are nearby, and one can note them occasionally strutting in the pasture every spring. The solar powered ranch well delivers abundant sweet potable water to the pond and provides more than enough to supply ample water for a second vacation home. Being only two hours from Houston, Austin or San Antonio it would make the perfect coastal plains getaway for the urban family. In addition, the flat topography lends itself to home development at a reasonable cost, if an owner was so disposed. The western sunsets from the property can be truly spectacular at times. Overall, this high-quality property has it all for the smart discriminating buyer who appreciates the outdoors.
MLS# 567840

Courtesy Of Coldwell Banker - Ron Brown Co

(361) 575-1446

Property Features

  • Architecture Style
  • Lot Size
    182.55 Acres

Home seller CENTURY 21 Scott Myers Realtors

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CENTURY 21 Scott Myers Realtors

(210) 479-1222
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Mortgage Calculator

$ %
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$ /year
$ /year
$ /month

Monthly Payment Breakdown

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  • Property Taxes
  • Hazard Insurance
  • Private Mortgage Insurance
  • HOA Dues
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Calculators provided for estimating purposes only. Consult with your lender to determine precise payment requirements.
