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101 Vessel Dock, Craig, AK 99921

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For Sale


2 beds1 baths

Estimated Payment

$ 1,299 /mo.

6.76% APR for 30 yrs.
$0 in taxes
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  • Single Family Detached
    Property type

  • Over 50 Years Old

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M V Janie Belle Hull # 271 411 Built by Bill Stokes, Onetta Boat Works Portland, Or. 1956. (Built for shipyard owner his 1st pleasure craft) 21 gross tons 44' length 12' beam 4'8' draft Hull Corten steel 3/16, frames welded,39" on center,3/16x2x5' Stringers 1/2x 3-1/2 x18' Beams1/2 x2 x2-1/2 Twin Screw Initially powered by 2- 4cyl Buda diesel engines (Allis-Chalmers) Replaced by 2-4276T (turbo) John Deere diesel engines 95 hp (1990) new (no hours) (Exhaust dry stack) Capitol Marine gears HE 10-220 2:1 Rebuilt (original) Cruise generator Spencer 7.5 kw hydraulic driven off port engine Shaft 1-5/8 SS propellers, 3 blade bronze, 22/15 R&L Skeg with shoe Fuel tank 750 gal Water tank 130 gal. 1. Interior Installed Offshore Marine Lab Water maker Electra sanitation system Taylor propane stove, galley sink Alder refer unit Dickinson diesel stove Espar diesel space heater Splendide W/D This vessel had 4 owners. Spent most of its time in the Columbia River & Pacific Ocean off of Astoria, Or & motored to Alaska many times. (Charts available). Original owners belong to the Columbia Yacht club & the Janie Belle was usually the lead vessel over the Columbia River Bar on their fishing trips. The second owners took it to Alaska many summers. Present i.e.., 4th owner bought it in 1983. Used on the Columbia & Willamette until 1990 when it was put into dry dock for a complete rebuild machinery, hull & cabin structure. Hull & Machinery done by Klein Marine Diesel, Portland, Or (also the owner.) Cabin structure replacement & interior woodworking By Salyer Marine & associates, Jeff Sayler owner (now Firehouse Boat Works, of Portland Or. Particulars of refurb on request. This boat is craft person quality in traditional design & fitted with updated systems. It needs some operational functions completed. Numerous parts & supplies to complete. Has been in Dry Dock under cover since 2007
MLS# 11414589

Courtesy Of Mossy Oak Properties Alaska LLC

(907) 357-2100

Property Features

  • Age
    Over 50 Years Old
  • Architecture Style
  • Floor Covering

Map and Directions

Directions to 101 Vessel Dock, Craig, AK 99921

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Naukati School

Grades PK-12 Public School

Ketchikan, AK 99950 27.2 miles
100 heather st

11 total students
8:1 Student teacher ratio

Whale Pass School

Grades PK-12 Public School

Ketchikan, AK 99950 44.2 miles
126 bayview rd

20 total students
10:1 Student teacher ratio

Ak-trails Correspondence

Grades PK-12 Public School

Thorne Bay, AK 99919 28 miles
1010 sandy beach rd

Howard Valentine Coffman Cove School

Grades PK-12 Public School

Coffman Cove, AK 99918 39.1 miles
102 nw fairbanks ave

13 total students
4:1 Student teacher ratio

Barry Craig Stewart Kasaan School

Grades PK-12 Public School

Kasaan, AK 99950 29.1 miles
117 kasaan st

17 total students
16:1 Student teacher ratio

Port Alexander School

Grades PK-12 Public School

Port Alexander, AK 99836 79.3 miles
Block 9 tract a

9 total students
9:1 Student teacher ratio

Thorne Bay School

Grades PK-12 Public School

Thorne Bay, AK 99919 28 miles
1010 sandy beach rd

64 total students
11:1 Student teacher ratio

Hollis School

Grades PK-12 Public School

Craig, AK 99921 19 miles
Tract 4a of asls 96-31

19 total students
10:1 Student teacher ratio

Craig Elementary School

Grades PK-5 Public School

Craig, AK 99921 0.1 miles
100 school road upper

83 total students
8:1 Student teacher ratio

Craig Middle School

Grades 6-8 Public School

Craig, AK 99921 0.1 miles
100 school road lower

57 total students
10:1 Student teacher ratio

Craig High School

Grades 9-12 Public School

Craig, AK 99921 0.9 miles
100 panther way

74 total students
10:1 Student teacher ratio

Other Nearby Schools Distance Type Grades School Rating
Pace Correspondence 0.1 miles Public KG-12 D+

Pace Correspondence

Distance: 0.1 miles

Type Public

Grades: KG-12


Local area information for Craig, AK 99921

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Craig, AK 99921

This community’s employment is highest in the education and food industries. The area’s overall household expenses are above the national average.

64° July
Hottest Average Month

27° January
Coldest Average Month
545 Total Households in Area
of households
have children
16 minutes
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Demographic facts
for Craig, AK 99921

Craig, AK 99921 has a population of 1,239 people in 545 households with a median age of 44.1 years old.

Down -1.1%
Decrease in population
since the year 2010

Population is Trending down
Total households as of 2010

Community Population By Age

Community Population By Ethnicity

White 58%
Native American 30%
Hispanic 3%
Asian 1%
Other <1%
Black <1%

for Craig, AK 99921

1 /sq mi
Population Density
$62,676 /yr
Median Household Income
Median Sales Price
16 min
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Household by Income

Transportation to Work

  • Drive 68%
  • Walk or Bike 29%
  • Work from Home 4%
  • Public Transit 0%

Occupancy by Type

Owned 409 58%
Vacant 164 23%
Rented 136 19%

White vs Blue Collar Jobs

White Collar 71%
Blue Collar 29%

Family & Education Facts
for Craig, AK 99921

44.1 Median Age

Average Household Size

persons per


Married Households

Community Population By Education

High School Graduate 38%
Some College 27%
Bachelors Degree 13%
Associates Degree 9%
Graduate Degree 7%
Some High School 7%

Household Family Expenses vs National Average

28.6% of households have children

for Craig, AK 99921

The weather for this area ranges from a high of 64° F in July to a low of 27° F in January

64° July
Hottest Average Month
27° January
Coldest Average Month

Average Temperature by Month

Low (°F)
High (°F)

Average Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit


Precipitation (inch)

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