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14119 Gingko Ct., Crosby, TX 77532

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For Sale


3 beds2 baths1,604 sqft

Estimated Payment

$ 1,478 /mo.

6.65% APR for 30 yrs.
$0 in taxes
Change Loan Terms

  • Other Residential
    Property type

  • $179.37
    Price per square foot

  • New Construction

Explore this Property

The Comal floor plan is a well-designed, three-bedroom and two-bathroom home that has a ton of character.. The exterior of the home is a beautiful brick structure, with the option to swap the brick for stone. Upon entry, you are greeted by the combined flex space and family room. The flex space allows for either a fourth bedroom, a private study, a formal dining area, a quaint game room, or anything your heart desires. The spacious kitchen/breakfast area and massive family room are perfect for entertaining gatherings of any size! On the right side of the home, you are met with the walk-in utility room with access to your two-car garage, along with the second and third bedrooms. Residing in the middle of the two bedrooms is the full secondary bathroom complete with a shower/bathtub enclosure, single vanity, and a linen closet. Facing the large family room is the extensive kitchen and breakfast area boasting sleek granite countertops, flat-panel birch cabinets, industry-leading appliances, and an undermount stainless steel sink with a ceramic tile backsplash. Do you wish to be able to relax in your backyard while being protected from the weather? Opt to include an exclusive covered patio! Next to the breakfast/kitchen combination area are two more linen closets, and the entry to your Master bedroom and bathroom with a huge walk-in closet. Retreat to your master bathroom that includes the option of double vanities, a shower/bathtub enclosure, and an additional linen closet. If you want to add an extra flair to your master bathroom, decide to switch out the shower/bathtub enclosure for a luxury bathtub or a master super shower - both including double vanities. The Comal floor plan has just the right amount of space for your whole family to feel comfortable. The abundant opportunities that you are able to accomplish to enhance your home, as well as the flowing, open-concept layout are just a few reasons why you will love living in your new CastleRock Comal home!
MLS# 2883667

Courtesy Of CastleRock Communities (Corporation)

(281) 972-4734

Property Features

  • Age
    New Construction
  • Architecture Style

Map and Directions

Directions to 14119 Gingko Ct., Crosby, TX 77532

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Mortgage Calculator

$ %
Loan Term
Invalid number

$ /year
$ /year
$ /month

Monthly Payment Breakdown

  • Principle and Interest
  • Property Taxes
  • Hazard Insurance
  • Private Mortgage Insurance
  • HOA Dues
  • Total Monthly Payment:

Calculators provided for estimating purposes only. Consult with your lender to determine precise payment requirements.


Crosby Kindergarten Center

Grades PK-KG Public School

Crosby, TX 77532 1.5 miles
805 runneburg rd

652 total students
15:1 Student teacher ratio

Crosby Elementary School

Grades 1-5 Public School

Crosby, TX 77532 0.4 miles
14705 fm 2100 rd

664 total students
15:1 Student teacher ratio

Crosby Middle School

Grades 6-8 Public School

Crosby, TX 77532 0.7 miles
14703 fm 2100 rd

1525 total students
18:1 Student teacher ratio

Crosby High School

Grades 9-12 Public School

Crosby, TX 77532 0.4 miles
333 red summit dr

1857 total students
17:1 Student teacher ratio

Other Nearby Schools Distance Type Grades School Rating
Crosby Crossroads Academy 0.4 miles Public 9-12 D
Sacred Heart Catholic School 1.6 miles Private PK-8
Barrett Elementary School 1.8 miles Public 1-5 C-
Charles R. Drew Elementary School 2 miles Public 1-5 C+
Newport Elementary School 3.3 miles Public 1-5 A-
Sheldon Early Childhood Academy 4.1 miles Public PK-KG
Sheldon Elementary School 4.2 miles Public 1-5 B
Bonnie P. Hopper Primary School 5.1 miles Public PK
Jessie Lee Pumphrey Elementary School 6.5 miles Public PK-5

Crosby Crossroads Academy

Distance: 0.4 miles

Type Public

Grades: 9-12


Sacred Heart Catholic School

Distance: 1.6 miles

Type Private

Grades: PK-8

Barrett Elementary School

Distance: 1.8 miles

Type Public

Grades: 1-5


Charles R. Drew Elementary School

Distance: 2 miles

Type Public

Grades: 1-5


Newport Elementary School

Distance: 3.3 miles

Type Public

Grades: 1-5


Sheldon Early Childhood Academy

Distance: 4.1 miles

Type Public

Grades: PK-KG

Sheldon Elementary School

Distance: 4.2 miles

Type Public

Grades: 1-5


Bonnie P. Hopper Primary School

Distance: 5.1 miles

Type Public

Grades: PK

Jessie Lee Pumphrey Elementary School

Distance: 6.5 miles

Type Public

Grades: PK-5

Local area information for Crosby, TX 77532

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Crosby, TX 77532

This community’s employment is highest in the food and sales industries. The area’s overall household expenses are below the national average.

93° August
Hottest Average Month

42° January
Coldest Average Month
10,640 Total Households in Area
of households
have children
33 minutes
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Demographic facts
for Crosby, TX 77532

Crosby, TX 77532 has a population of 32,395 people in 10,640 households with a median age of 38.5 years old.

Up 2.7%
Increase in population
since the year 2010

Population is Trending up
Total households as of 2010

Community Population By Age

Community Population By Ethnicity

White 61%
Hispanic 30%
Other 12%
Black 10%
Native American <1%
Asian <1%

for Crosby, TX 77532

399 /sq mi
Population Density
$88,053 /yr
Median Household Income
Median Sales Price
33 min
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Household by Income

Transportation to Work

  • Drive 88%
  • Work from Home 8%
  • Walk or Bike 3%
  • Public Transit 0%

Occupancy by Type

Owned 8,628 76%
Rented 2,012 18%
Vacant 712 6%

White vs Blue Collar Jobs

White Collar 66%
Blue Collar 34%

Family & Education Facts
for Crosby, TX 77532

38.5 Median Age

Average Household Size

persons per


Married Households

Community Population By Education

High School Graduate 37%
Some College 27%
Bachelors Degree 12%
Associates Degree 9%
Some High School 9%
Graduate Degree 6%

Household Family Expenses vs National Average

37.2% of households have children

for Crosby, TX 77532

The weather for this area ranges from a high of 93° F in August to a low of 42° F in January

93° August
Hottest Average Month
42° January
Coldest Average Month

Average Temperature by Month

Low (°F)
High (°F)

Average Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit


Precipitation (inch)

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