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2033 Barnett Rd, Summit, MS 39666

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For Sale
Sale Pending


3 beds2 baths1,400 sqft

Estimated Payment

$ 515 /mo.

6.67% APR for 30 yrs.
$0 in taxes
Change Loan Terms

  • Single Family Detached
    Property type

  • $71.43
    Price per square foot

  • 41-50 Years Old

Explore this Property

This 3 bed 2 bath brick home in North Pike School District is one that you won't want to miss! With this home you get the country feel while only being minutes from downtown Summit, minutes from Interstate 55 for commuters, and close to the North Pike schools. Enter in through the front door and find yourself in a great sized living space with a huge hall that leads you to the kitchen with enough space to do gymnastics in. The kitchen offers a custom kitchen island and gas appliances. Down the hall from the main living space are 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The largest of the bedrooms has a beautiful brick, wood burning fireplace and a door that leads you to "the man cave". This man cave is where you can go to hang out and make noise without disturbing everyone else that is still in the house. It also leads you to the nice screened-in patio that has need used to house a hot tub and an outdoor kitchen in the past. It is a great place to sit on the cool spring and fall nights, while leaving all the bugs outside to fend for themselves. The 3+/- acre yard has beautiful, large old-growth oak trees offers that much needed summer shade. There is also plenty of room for as big of a shop as you'd ever want to the right of the home. Although, you may not even need to build anything since there is also a RV shed with an enclosed workshop just off the house. The back yard even has a chain-link fenced area for your pets to be able to enjoy the outdoors with you while keeping them safe from wandering. What more could you ask for in a home?
MLS# 143519

Courtesy Of Mason & Magnolia Real Estate

(601) 265-8482

Property Features

  • Age
    41-50 Years Old
  • Amenities
    Ceiling Fan
  • Architecture Style
  • Cooling System
    Ceiling Fan(s), Window Unit(s) A/C
  • Exterior Type
  • Lot Size
    3 Acres
  • Roof Type

Map and Directions

Directions to 2033 Barnett Rd, Summit, MS 39666

Home seller CENTURY 21 Alliance

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Mortgage Calculator

$ %
Loan Term
Invalid number

$ /year
$ /year
$ /month

Monthly Payment Breakdown

  • Principle and Interest
  • Property Taxes
  • Hazard Insurance
  • Private Mortgage Insurance
  • HOA Dues
  • Total Monthly Payment:

Calculators provided for estimating purposes only. Consult with your lender to determine precise payment requirements.


North Pike Elementary School

Grades KG-3 Public School

Summit, MS 39666 0.8 miles
1052 jaguar trl

638 total students
14:1 Student teacher ratio

North Pike Upper Elementary School

Grades 4-5 Public School

Summit, MS 39666 0.9 miles
1035 n pike cir

333 total students
16:1 Student teacher ratio

North Pike Middle School

Grades 6-8 Public School

Summit, MS 39666 6.1 miles
2034 highway 44 ne

563 total students
14:1 Student teacher ratio

North Pike Senior High School

Grades 9-12 Public School

Summit, MS 39666 0.8 miles
1022 jaguar trl

671 total students
15:1 Student teacher ratio

Other Nearby Schools Distance Type Grades School Rating
North Pike Career & Technical Cente 0.8 miles Public 9-12
Summit Elementary School 2.5 miles Public 1-6
Higgins Middle School 3.3 miles Public 4-6
Kennedy Elementary School 4.3 miles Public PK-KG
Tac Alternative School 4.5 miles Public 4-12
Mccomb High School 4.6 miles Public 9-12 C
Denman Junior High School 4.6 miles Public 7-8
Business & Technology Complex 4.7 miles Public 9-12
Otken Elementary School 4.8 miles Public 1-3
South Mccomb Baptist Kindergarten 5.2 miles Private PK-KG
Parklane Academy 5.5 miles Private 1-12

North Pike Career & Technical Cente

Distance: 0.8 miles

Type Public

Grades: 9-12

Summit Elementary School

Distance: 2.5 miles

Type Public

Grades: 1-6

Higgins Middle School

Distance: 3.3 miles

Type Public

Grades: 4-6

Kennedy Elementary School

Distance: 4.3 miles

Type Public

Grades: PK-KG

Tac Alternative School

Distance: 4.5 miles

Type Public

Grades: 4-12

Mccomb High School

Distance: 4.6 miles

Type Public

Grades: 9-12


Denman Junior High School

Distance: 4.6 miles

Type Public

Grades: 7-8

Business & Technology Complex

Distance: 4.7 miles

Type Public

Grades: 9-12

Otken Elementary School

Distance: 4.8 miles

Type Public

Grades: 1-3

South Mccomb Baptist Kindergarten

Distance: 5.2 miles

Type Private

Grades: PK-KG

Parklane Academy

Distance: 5.5 miles

Type Private

Grades: 1-12

Local area information for Summit, MS 39666

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Summit, MS 39666

This community’s employment is highest in the production occupations and transportation industries. The area’s overall household expenses are below the national average.

92° July
Hottest Average Month

38° January
Coldest Average Month
4,094 Total Households in Area
of households
have children
25 minutes
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Demographic facts
for Summit, MS 39666

Summit, MS 39666 has a population of 11,286 people in 4,094 households with a median age of 40.3 years old.

Down -0.5%
Decrease in population
since the year 2010

Population is Trending down
Total households as of 2010

Community Population By Age

Community Population By Ethnicity

White 62%
Black 34%
Hispanic 1%
Other <1%
Asian <1%
Native American <1%

for Summit, MS 39666

68 /sq mi
Population Density
$51,889 /yr
Median Household Income
Median Sales Price
25 min
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Household by Income

Transportation to Work

  • Drive 91%
  • Work from Home 5%
  • Walk or Bike 4%
  • Public Transit 0%

Occupancy by Type

Owned 3,265 69%
Rented 829 17%
Vacant 665 14%

White vs Blue Collar Jobs

White Collar 64%
Blue Collar 36%

Family & Education Facts
for Summit, MS 39666

40.3 Median Age

Average Household Size

persons per


Married Households

Community Population By Education

High School Graduate 37%
Some College 20%
Bachelors Degree 13%
Associates Degree 12%
Some High School 9%
Graduate Degree 9%

Household Family Expenses vs National Average

26.6% of households have children

for Summit, MS 39666

The weather for this area ranges from a high of 92° F in July to a low of 38° F in January

92° July
Hottest Average Month
38° January
Coldest Average Month

Average Temperature by Month

Low (°F)
High (°F)

Average Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit


Precipitation (inch)

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