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23771 E 820 Rd, Kingfisher, OK 73750

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For Sale


3 beds1 baths1 half baths1,576 sqft

Estimated Payment

$ 786 /mo.

6.85% APR for 30 yrs.
$0 in taxes
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  • Single Family Attached
    Property type

  • $95.18
    Price per square foot

  • Over 50 Years Old

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MLS NOTE: This is a public auction. The price listed above is a low estimated value of what the property could sell for. The high estimated price is $200,000. MONDAY MARCH 3RD 2025 10:00 AM AUCTION LOCATION: Kingfisher County Fairgrounds, 300 S. 13th Street Kingfisher, Oklahoma TRACT 3 - 15± Acres 23771 E 820 Rd, Kingfisher, OK, 73750 Tract offering: This tract will be offered individually only. Direction to Farm: From Kingfisher, OK. Hwy 81 & 33, go east 8.5 miles on Hwy 33 to 2930, then 2 miles south to EW 820 Rd, then 1/4 mile west to entrance, watch for signs. This tract is on the south east corner of Tract 2 Legal Description: 15 acres in S/2 of E/2 of SE/4 of 25-16N-6 W.I.M. Kingfisher County, OK. Taxes: This tract is combined with the E/2 of SE/4 for a total of $1,159.00 Possession: will be given at closing on the improvements and Nov. 1, 2025 on grass pasture Survey: a recent boundary survey has been prepared for this tract. This tract will consist of approximately 15 acres more or less. This tract does have improvements that include a brick home built in 1955 that consists of approximately 1,576 Sq. Ft. of living area with an attached single car garage. There are 3-bedrooms,1-full bath, 1-shower/lavatory with coat room. The home has central heat/air (older units). There is a 40' x 80' metal shop building with full concrete floor, electric, 1-20' x 14' overhead door, 1- 14' x 14' overhead door and 1-walk-in door, old calf sheds, water well and granary. The balance of the land is in native grass pasture and pond. Principal soils are: Renfrow Clay Loam, 0-1% slopes, class I; Renthin Clay Loam, 1-3% slopes, class III; and Grainola-Ashport 0-12% slopes, class IV Pre-Auction Offers: No pre-auction offers will be accepted prior to day of auction Internet Bidding: will be available by logging on to register. Neither the Auction Company nor the Seller is responsible in the event of loss of internet signal by either side. Terms: 10% of the total purchase price is to be placed in escrow the day of the auction with the balance being due upon delivery of marketable title. Disclaimer: All of the information provided has been taken from sources believed reliable; however, no guarantee is being made by the Auction Company nor the Seller. Bidders should satisfy themselves as to any inspections prior to bidding. Financing, if being used must be in place prior to bidding. Any announcements made the day of the auction shall supersede any marketing or comments made. SELLER: CORA FOSTER ESTATE
MLS# 11416845

Courtesy Of Lippard Auctioneers, Inc

(580) 237-7174

Property Features

  • Age
    Over 50 Years Old
  • Architecture Style
    New Traditional
  • Lot Size
    15 Acres

Map and Directions

Directions to 23771 E 820 Rd, Kingfisher, OK 73750

Home seller CENTURY 21 Judge Fite Company

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CENTURY 21 Judge Fite Company

(405) 359-7400
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Mortgage Calculator

$ %
Loan Term
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$ /year
$ /year
$ /month

Monthly Payment Breakdown

  • Principle and Interest
  • Property Taxes
  • Hazard Insurance
  • Private Mortgage Insurance
  • HOA Dues
  • Total Monthly Payment:

Calculators provided for estimating purposes only. Consult with your lender to determine precise payment requirements.


Cashion Elementary School

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101 n euclid ave

298 total students
14:1 Student teacher ratio

Cashion Middle School

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138 total students
15:1 Student teacher ratio

Cashion High School

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101 n euclid ave

184 total students
11:1 Student teacher ratio

Local area information for Kingfisher, OK 73750

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Kingfisher, OK 73750

This community’s employment is highest in the administrative support and sales industries. The area’s overall household expenses are above the national average.

96° July
Hottest Average Month

25° January
Coldest Average Month
3,405 Total Households in Area
of households
have children
19 minutes
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Demographic facts
for Kingfisher, OK 73750

Kingfisher, OK 73750 has a population of 8,670 people in 3,405 households with a median age of 38.5 years old.

Up 2.1%
Increase in population
since the year 2010

Population is Trending up
Total households as of 2010

Community Population By Age

Community Population By Ethnicity

White 77%
Hispanic 15%
Other 7%
Native American 3%
Black 1%
Asian <1%

for Kingfisher, OK 73750

30 /sq mi
Population Density
$72,963 /yr
Median Household Income
Median Sales Price
19 min
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Household by Income

Transportation to Work

  • Drive 92%
  • Work from Home 6%
  • Walk or Bike 2%
  • Public Transit 0%

Occupancy by Type

Owned 2,680 70%
Rented 724 19%
Vacant 399 10%

White vs Blue Collar Jobs

White Collar 73%
Blue Collar 27%

Family & Education Facts
for Kingfisher, OK 73750

38.5 Median Age

Average Household Size

persons per


Married Households

Community Population By Education

High School Graduate 46%
Some College 20%
Bachelors Degree 14%
Some High School 9%
Graduate Degree 7%
Associates Degree 5%

Household Family Expenses vs National Average

33.7% of households have children

for Kingfisher, OK 73750

The weather for this area ranges from a high of 96° F in July to a low of 25° F in January

96° July
Hottest Average Month
25° January
Coldest Average Month

Average Temperature by Month

Low (°F)
High (°F)

Average Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit


Precipitation (inch)

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