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517 Appleby Ave W, Cambridge, MD 21613

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For Sale


3 beds2 baths1,456 sqft

Estimated Payment

$ 160 /mo.

6.67% APR for 30 yrs.
$0 in taxes
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  • Single Family Detached
    Property type

  • $21.29
    Price per square foot

  • 11-20 Years Old

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Auction is for 2nd mortgage lien position. To obtain clear title, Buyer will be responsible to pay off senior liens, including a 1st mortgage lien of approximately $75,096.69 through 11/25/2024 (per diem of $6.50 thereafter). Prospective buyers are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority and size of outstanding liens that may exist by contacting county recorder's office or a title insurance company. Seller will not warrant against any defects that existed in the property before property was deeded to Seller. Quit Claim Deed Disclosure. Buyer is purchasing the Property "as-is, where-is," with all faults and encumbrances, and without warranty or representation of any kind or manner, including, without limitation, clear or marketable title. The Property shall be conveyed by the Seller via quit claim deed, and Buyer shall accept the property subject to all liens, encumbrances, assessments, encroachments, easements, or other liabilities of any manner, known and unknown. Buyer accepts all responsibility for any remediation, fees, or terms required by any authority, which may or may not include demolition, escrow fees, or habitation certificates. Personal Property Not Included. Only title to the real estate is being conveyed. Personal property may be present, but is not included in the auction. Removal of personal property remaining on site at the time of closing is the responsibility of the Buyer. Escrow. Buyer acknowledges receipt of the Joint Escrow Instructions - Addendum A that modifies the Contract for Sale to provide for a designated Escrow Agent to hold down payment funds. Buyer and Seller agree that the Escrow funds may be held in a trust/escrow account located outside of the state where the Property is located. Seller Mandated Financing Disclosure: The seller requires that the high bidder be able to demonstrate proof of funds or financing pre-qualification within 24 hours of the auction. Buyer must obtain a "pre-qualification" letter from a lender of their choice. If buyer intends to pay with cash, a bank letter or other financial account statement showing proof of sufficient funds to cover 100% of the purchase price will be required (account numbers should be removed or redacted). Occupied Property Disclosure. Buyer acknowledges and understands that property herein is partially occupied. Buyer accepts responsibility for eviction, lease or rental negotiation, or other remediation, as Buyer finds necessary in order to clarify legal occupancy status. Buyer agrees to hold Seller, Williams & Williams, and its agents harmless from any and all results therein. Occupied Property and Utility Usage Disclosure. Buyer acknowledges and understands that property herein is occupied and utilities have not been disconnected. Buyer accepts responsibility for eviction, lease or rental negotiation, or other remediation, as Buyer finds necessary in order to clarify legal occupancy status. Buyer further shall be responsible for payment of utilities consumed and used by tenants. Any collection or reimbursement of said utility payment s by tenants shall be the sole responsibility of the Buyer. Buyer agrees to hold Seller, Williams & Williams, and its agents harmless from any and all results therein. Buyer is advised to conduct a thorough investigation of the property's utility usage and any associated costs and expenses associated with usage.
MLS# 11392403

Courtesy Of Williams & Williams Real Estate Auctions

(800) 801-8003

Property Features

  • Age
    11-20 Years Old
  • Architecture Style

Map and Directions

Directions to 517 Appleby Ave W, Cambridge, MD 21613

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Mortgage Calculator

$ %
Loan Term
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$ /year
$ /year
$ /month

Monthly Payment Breakdown

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  • Property Taxes
  • Hazard Insurance
  • Private Mortgage Insurance
  • HOA Dues
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Calculators provided for estimating purposes only. Consult with your lender to determine precise payment requirements.

Local area information for Cambridge, MD 21613

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Cambridge, MD 21613

This community’s employment is highest in the administrative support and sales industries. The area’s overall household expenses are below the national average.

87° July
Hottest Average Month

28° January
Coldest Average Month
7,861 Total Households in Area
of households
have children
22 minutes
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Demographic facts
for Cambridge, MD 21613

Cambridge, MD 21613 has a population of 18,088 people in 7,861 households with a median age of 44.8 years old.

Up 1%
Increase in population
since the year 2010

Population is Trending up
Total households as of 2010

Community Population By Age

Community Population By Ethnicity

White 51%
Black 36%
Hispanic 7%
Other 4%
Asian 1%
Native American <1%

for Cambridge, MD 21613

90 /sq mi
Population Density
$53,097 /yr
Median Household Income
Median Sales Price
22 min
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Household by Income

Transportation to Work

  • Drive 88%
  • Work from Home 9%
  • Walk or Bike 2%
  • Public Transit 1%

Occupancy by Type

Owned 4,301 46%
Rented 3,560 38%
Vacant 1,423 15%

White vs Blue Collar Jobs

White Collar 70%
Blue Collar 30%

Family & Education Facts
for Cambridge, MD 21613

44.8 Median Age

Average Household Size

persons per


Married Households

Community Population By Education

High School Graduate 37%
Some College 21%
Some High School 13%
Graduate Degree 12%
Bachelors Degree 10%
Associates Degree 7%

Household Family Expenses vs National Average

24.5% of households have children

for Cambridge, MD 21613

The weather for this area ranges from a high of 87° F in July to a low of 28° F in January

87° July
Hottest Average Month
28° January
Coldest Average Month

Average Temperature by Month

Low (°F)
High (°F)

Average Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit


Precipitation (inch)

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