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664, Harrisville, NY 13648

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For Sale


17.43 acres

Estimated Payment

$ 2,197 /mo.

6.76% APR for 30 yrs.
$7,726 in taxes
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  • Farm/Ranch
    Property type

  • 17.4 acres
    Lot size

  • New Construction, 11-20 Years Old

Explore this Property

20 Acre, Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York Certified Organic Fruit Orchard and Farm For Sale in St. Lawrence County, New York: This property will include ~20 acres (to be surveyed by owner) with an established ~18-acre, irrigated orchard/farm, enclosed within an 8' deer fence and barn. In the past 6 years the owner has planted ~3,500 apple trees (13 varieties), 240 haskaps (known as honeyberries), (7 varieties), 150 black currants (3 varieties), garlic (6 varieties) and numerous hills of potatoes. Most apple trees are expected to bear fruit in 1 to 5 years. Some have already started. The haskaps and currants are bearing fruit at this time. Current use of the berries and vegetables harvested at this time is personal. The sale price includes the planting of ~400 apple trees in the spring of 2025. The soil found here is highly fertile and will support growing a large variety of trees, fruits, and vegetables. Numerous amendments have been added in the past 8 years that contribute to the soil's fertility, including; wood mulch, manure, lime, fertilizer, gypsum, granite, potash, zinc, manganese, magnesium, and boron. Additional details regarding plantings and soil improvements are found in the Orchard and Farm Supplemental Information document which will be provided upon request. To facilitate the establishment, additions, and maintenance of the orchard, in 2013 the owner constructed a two-story, 28' x 32' post and beam wood barn on a poured concrete slab. Features of the barn include; two bays, each measuring 14' x 32', large enough to hold all orchard equipment and more; a standing seam, painted, metal roof and painted, rough cut, double board siding. On the spacious second floor is; an insulated bath and utility room with sink, toilet, and bath/shower combination, as well as an 81-gallon pressure tank and 40-gallon electric hot water heater, suggesting the upstairs of the barn might be converted into a living space, deserving the modern-day designation of the structure as a 'barn dominium.' The electric utility component includes a 200-amp service through buried line from a meter stand behind the barn. Domestic use and irrigation water is supplied from the ~120' deep, drilled well located in the side yard, which delivers 20+ gallons per minute via a 1.5 hp submersible pump. Irrigation timer controls are found in the downstairs rear of the barn. The septic system consists of a 1000-gallon concrete tank buried off the west side of the barn with ~250' of leach field pipe buried in crushed stone. Not included in the sale price but may be purchased separately are: a 2013 New Holland, 55HP WorkMaster tractor for $18,000; an 8' Tebben dual blade mower attachment for $3,500, a 200-gallon NorthStar sprayer for $3,500, and a 2010 Kubota RTV-900, 4WD utility vehicle for $11,000. All this equipment has always been stored indoors and is in very good to excellent condition. Offers for any or all items will be considered by the owner during negotiations for the purchase of the property. Equipment pictures and additional details are found in the Orchard and Farm Supplemental Information document which will be provided upon request. (Note: pickup truck and guideboat shown in pictures is not included in sale.) The owner will be retaining the adjacent property and would be happy to answer questions and share additional information with the new owner upon request. There is direct access from and ~930' of frontage on NYS Route 3. Mineral rights are reserved. Property is being subdivided from a larger parcel. Taxes to be determined. Current tax rate is $25.84 per thousand. This unique property offers a great opportunity for the new owner to work remotely, develop an organic fruit and vegetable business and play in the same region, or possibly just enjoy a 'living off the land' sustainable lifestyle. It is an ideal location for outdoor enthusiasts searching for the perfect place to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities as well. It is central to numerous popular destinations including; Canada, the St. Lawrence River/Thousand Islands, Lake Ontario, and the Adirondacks including the High Peaks region. Anglers can launch their boat at the nearby Lake Bonaparte public site to pursue smallmouth bass, northern pike, brown trout, yellow perch, brown bullhead, and cisco. The City of Watertown and its International Airport are roughly 40 and 50 minutes west respectively. Harrisville is the nearest village for groceries, supplies and hardware. This is an opportune time to purchase an exceptional piece of land in northern New York, with so much potential at a reasonable price!
MLS# 11417337

Courtesy Of Timberland Realty

(716) 962-9935

Property Features

  • Age
    New Construction, 11-20 Years Old
  • Architecture Style
  • Exterior Type
    Wood Siding
  • Lot Size
    17.43 Acres
  • Roof Type

Map and Directions

Directions to 664, Harrisville, NY 13648

Home seller CENTURY 21 One Realty

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Mortgage Calculator

$ %
Loan Term
Invalid number

$ /year
$ /year
$ /month

Monthly Payment Breakdown

  • Principle and Interest
  • Property Taxes
  • Hazard Insurance
  • Private Mortgage Insurance
  • HOA Dues
  • Total Monthly Payment:

Calculators provided for estimating purposes only. Consult with your lender to determine precise payment requirements.


Harrisville Elementary School

Grades PK-6 Public School

Harrisville, NY 13648 3.4 miles
14371 pirate ln

141 total students
13:1 Student teacher ratio

Harrisville Junior-senior High School

Grades 6-12 Public School

Harrisville, NY 13648 3.4 miles
14371 pirate ln

203 total students
9:1 Student teacher ratio

Local area information for Harrisville, NY 13648

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Harrisville, NY 13648

This community’s employment is highest in the production occupations and sales industries. The area’s overall household expenses are below the national average.

79° July
Hottest Average Month

6° January
Coldest Average Month
840 Total Households in Area
of households
have children
29 minutes
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Demographic facts
for Harrisville, NY 13648

Harrisville, NY 13648 has a population of 2,061 people in 840 households with a median age of 44.9 years old.

Down -1.3%
Decrease in population
since the year 2010

Population is Trending down
Total households as of 2010

Community Population By Age

Community Population By Ethnicity

White 95%
Hispanic <1%
Black <1%
Other <1%
Asian <1%
Native American <1%

for Harrisville, NY 13648

12 /sq mi
Population Density
$55,284 /yr
Median Household Income
Median Sales Price
29 min
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Household by Income

Transportation to Work

  • Drive 90%
  • Work from Home 8%
  • Walk or Bike 2%
  • Public Transit 0%

Occupancy by Type

Owned 729 49%
Vacant 638 43%
Rented 112 8%

White vs Blue Collar Jobs

White Collar 63%
Blue Collar 37%

Family & Education Facts
for Harrisville, NY 13648

44.9 Median Age

Average Household Size

persons per


Married Households

Community Population By Education

High School Graduate 37%
Some College 19%
Associates Degree 15%
Some High School 12%
Bachelors Degree 10%
Graduate Degree 7%

Household Family Expenses vs National Average

28.4% of households have children

for Harrisville, NY 13648

The weather for this area ranges from a high of 79° F in July to a low of 6° F in January

79° July
Hottest Average Month
6° January
Coldest Average Month

Average Temperature by Month

Low (°F)
High (°F)

Average Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit


Precipitation (inch)

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