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84658 Troy Rd., Wallowa, OR 97885

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For Sale


3 beds2 baths

Estimated Payment

$ 110,646 /mo.

6.67% APR for 30 yrs.
$0 in taxes
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In the Nez Perce language, the word 'Powwaka' has been translated as 'high, cleared ground, from where a view could be had'. There is no better way to describe the Shilo Ranch in northeastern Oregon. Located on Powwatka Ridge in the Blue Mountains, about an hour north of Wallowa, Oregon lies 9,457 acres of pristine ranch land, stretching almost 10 miles from north to south. Consisting of approximately 4,800 acres of timber, 650 acres of meadows, and 4,000 acres of canyon lands, nearly two miles of Grande Ronde River frontage, the Shilo Ranch truly does have it all. Over four decades of intensive, thoughtful land management with a focus on wildlife, water, grassland, and timber health have resulted in what can best be described as a private nature preserve. Manicured forests and lush, expansive meadows cover the upper portion of the ranch, blanked by steep canyons and timber lined draws to the river and creeks below. A well maintained road network provides access to all parts of the ranch. Wildlife management has been a priority and the abundance of game provides proof of the countless time and effort spent to create this wildlife haven. Located in the Sled Springs Unit, hundreds of Rocky Mountain Elk make their home on the Shilo Ranch and neighboring public lands. The fall 'rut' with trophy class big game is a spectacle you must see, and hear, to believe. In addition to the elk herd, mule deer, whitetail deer, black bear, cougar, turkey, grouse, quail, and more can all be found. The ranch is located in the Sled Springs unit and qualifies for 5 landowner preference tag applications each for elk and deer. Water is king in the west and the Shilo Ranch is blessed with an abundance of it. The ranch has almost 6 1/2 miles of live water; approximately 1 2/3 miles of Grande Ronde River frontage; almost 3 miles of Mud Creek; 1 1/4 miles of Wildcat Creek; and 3/4 mile of Buck Creek. The Grande Ronde River is the northern border for most of the ranch and is home to a well known fishery for trout, bass, salmon, and more. Numerous springs and ponds are located throughout the ranch, providing reliable year round sources for both wildlife and cattle. Numerous improvements are located throughout the ranch. Lodging includes an owner's home, two large duplex style guest cabins, managers home, ranch hand home, and guest duplex. Combined, the homes contain 19 total bedrooms to provide plenty of room for family, friends, and employees. Other structures include: shop building, horse barn, 2 equipment sheds, 4 hay barns, historic livestock barn, working corrals, several homestead structures, as well as a game processing building and smokehouse. The highlight of the improvements is the 2,950' paved runway, complete with two aircraft hangars. Breathtaking scenery, abundant water, trophy class wildlife, and quality improvements perfectly complement each other to create a genuine legacy ranch property. The Shilo Ranch is an extraordinary offering that is truly 'one of a kind'. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to own one of the jewels of the American west! For additional information, please click the document tab below.
MLS# 40838

Courtesy Of Martin Outdoor Properties

(541) 660-5111

Property Features

  • Amenities
    Water Front
  • Architecture Style
  • Lot Size
    9,457.15 Acres

Map and Directions

Directions to 84658 Troy Rd., Wallowa, OR 97885

Home seller CENTURY 21 J.C. Jones American Dream

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CENTURY 21 J.C. Jones American Dream

(541) 476-6502
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Wallowa Elementary School

Grades PK-6 Public School

Wallowa, OR 97885 5 miles
315 first st

84 total students
9:1 Student teacher ratio

Wallowa High School

Grades 7-12 Public School

Wallowa, OR 97885 5 miles
315 first st

105 total students
14:1 Student teacher ratio

Local area information for Wallowa, OR 97885

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Wallowa, OR 97885

This community’s employment is highest in the administrative support and food industries. The area’s overall household expenses are above the national average.

80° August
Hottest Average Month

20° January
Coldest Average Month
314 Total Households in Area
of households
have children
17 minutes
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Demographic facts
for Wallowa, OR 97885

Wallowa, OR 97885 has a population of 709 people in 314 households with a median age of 49.5 years old.

Up 4.7%
Increase in population
since the year 2010

Population is Trending up
Total households as of 2010

Community Population By Age

Community Population By Ethnicity

White 89%
Hispanic 4%
Other 3%
Native American <1%
Asian <1%
Black <1%

for Wallowa, OR 97885

2 /sq mi
Population Density
$55,202 /yr
Median Household Income
Median Sales Price
17 min
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Household by Income

Transportation to Work

  • Drive 73%
  • Walk or Bike 17%
  • Work from Home 9%
  • Public Transit 0%

Occupancy by Type

Owned 236 62%
Rented 78 20%
Vacant 68 18%

White vs Blue Collar Jobs

White Collar 82%
Blue Collar 18%

Family & Education Facts
for Wallowa, OR 97885

49.5 Median Age

Average Household Size

persons per


Married Households

Community Population By Education

High School Graduate 31%
Some College 28%
Bachelors Degree 20%
Associates Degree 8%
Graduate Degree 7%
Some High School 6%

Household Family Expenses vs National Average

20.5% of households have children

for Wallowa, OR 97885

The weather for this area ranges from a high of 80° F in August to a low of 20° F in January

80° August
Hottest Average Month
20° January
Coldest Average Month

Average Temperature by Month

Low (°F)
High (°F)

Average Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit


Precipitation (inch)

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