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Apn 011-11j-014, Wells, NV 89835

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For Sale


9.61 acres

Estimated Payment

$ 164 /mo.

6.76% APR for 30 yrs.
$141 in taxes
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  • Other Residential
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  • 9.6 acres
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Come Find Your Freedom on this 9.61 Ac parcel, SE of Montello, NV and North of I-80 and West Wendover, NV. The Utah state line is just 3 mi due East. This would be a perfect site for a personal base camp for all of your Northern Nevada Outback Adventures or come build your dream home or cabin. Here is your opportunity to get away from it all and own a piece of the West. This parcel is less than 1/2 mile to thousands of acres of BLM lands and it is at the base of Pilot Peak. No Address, parcel is best identified by APN: 011-11J-014. Electricity in on the parcel. GPS Coordinates: NW Corner: 41.1046, -114.1045; NE Corner: 41.1046, -114.1024; SE Corner: 41.1028, -114.1045; SW Corner: 41.1028, -114.1025; PROPERTY INFORMATION: County: Elko County, Nevada; Acres: 9.61; APN: 011-11J-014; Elevation: 5,000 Ft; Zoning: AR - Agriculture/Residential; Land Use Code: 120 Single Family Residential (Livestock Allowed) Electricity: At the Road; Water: A private well will be needed; Water Rights - Well Needed - 1800 Gallons Per Day from a Domestic Well; Waste Disposal: A private septic system will be needed; Roads: Dirt; Time Limit to Build: None; NV Big Game Management Area: 091; Tax Year: 2023/2024; Yearly Taxes: $141.09 - Ad Valorem Tax Rate= 2.5733% Type of Terrain: Level,Combination/Varied; Elko County Nevada History: This area was long occupied by Native American tribes of the Plateau, particularly the Western Shoshone, Northern Paiute, and Bannock peoples. Their traditional ways were disrupted after European-American settlement, as the two cultures competed for resources and had differing conceptions of land use and property. Elko County was established in 1869 fromLander County; the name was taken from the name of the county seat, Elko. In 1877 what became known as the Duck Valley Indian Reservation was established by presidential executive order for the Western Shoshone in this area, after they signed treaties with the United States. Later the Paiute became involved in the Bannock War, but after they were allowed to return from exile in Washington State, in 1886 another executive order was used to expand the reservation to accommodate them. The federally recognized tribe of the two peoples together conducts farming and ranching in this high desert territory. The population of the county increased markedly in the late 20th century as the economy improved. On March 14, 2014, the Bureau of Land Management sold 29 oil and gas leases for $1.27 million to a collection of six companies that included Noble Energy. The transaction was the first such in Nevada.[4]~ Wikipedia Situated in the Northeastern part of the state, Montello, Nevada, is approximately 58 miles northwest of Wendover and about 176 miles northwest of Salt Lake City,Utah. The tiny town has a little more than 500 residents, so there isn't much to do in Montello. However, you can find an assortment of attractions within driving distance of the city. Crittenden Reservoir (ndow) sits on 260 acres of state-owned land. You've got to travel about 19 miles north of Montello on a gravel road to get there. The reservoir is an ideal destination for fishermen because the facility stocks a variety of fish, including several types of trout and largemouth bass. You can fish the entire perimeter of the reservoir, and the east and west shorelines are the most accessible. United Country Real Estate/Legacy Farm & Ranch, LLC is pleased to have been selected as the Exclusive Agent for the seller of this offering. All information has been obtained from sources deemed reliable by United Country Real Estate/Legacy Farm & Ranch, LLC, however the accuracy of this information is not guaranteed or warranted by either United Country Real Estate/Legacy Farm & Ranch, LLC, or the sellers, and prospective buyers are charged with making and are expected to conduct their own independent investigation of the information contained herein.
MLS# 11191711

Courtesy Of United Country/Legacy Farm and Ranch

(775) 773-8725

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    9.61 Acres
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Local area information for Wells, NV 89835

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Wells, NV 89835

This community’s employment is highest in the food and building maintenance industries. The area’s overall household expenses are below the national average.

85° July
Hottest Average Month

13° January
Coldest Average Month
980 Total Households in Area
of households
have children
19 minutes
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Demographic facts
for Wells, NV 89835

Wells, NV 89835 has a population of 2,482 people in 980 households with a median age of 40.1 years old.

Down -1.5%
Decrease in population
since the year 2010

Population is Trending down
Total households as of 2010

Community Population By Age

Community Population By Ethnicity

White 60%
Hispanic 35%
Other 16%
Native American 3%
Asian 1%
Black 1%

for Wells, NV 89835

1 /sq mi
Population Density
$53,021 /yr
Median Household Income
Median Sales Price
19 min
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Household by Income

Transportation to Work

  • Drive 84%
  • Work from Home 11%
  • Walk or Bike 5%
  • Public Transit 1%

Occupancy by Type

Owned 526 44%
Rented 453 38%
Vacant 226 19%

White vs Blue Collar Jobs

White Collar 64%
Blue Collar 36%

Family & Education Facts
for Wells, NV 89835

40.1 Median Age

Average Household Size

persons per


Married Households

Community Population By Education

High School Graduate 38%
Some College 20%
Bachelors Degree 15%
Some High School 13%
Associates Degree 11%
Graduate Degree 2%

Household Family Expenses vs National Average

31.8% of households have children

for Wells, NV 89835

The weather for this area ranges from a high of 85° F in July to a low of 13° F in January

85° July
Hottest Average Month
13° January
Coldest Average Month

Average Temperature by Month

Low (°F)
High (°F)

Average Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit


Precipitation (inch)

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