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Lot 4 County Road 14, Hallettsville, TX 77964

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For Sale


2.17 acres

Estimated Payment

$ 307 /mo.

6.63% APR for 30 yrs.
$0 in taxes
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  • Farm/Ranch
    Property type

  • 2.2 acres
    Lot size

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This new lot features 2.176 Acres+ of flat terrain ranch land with mature hardwood oak trees providing natural beauty and privacy. Carve your private homesite into the woods and have plenty of brush-line privacy from your neighbors as desired. Ideal for RV escapes and rentals with Splashway Water Park (The Cleanest and Safest Waterpark in Texas ? Literally) and The Hideaway with Live Music, July 4th Festival, Wine Walks and the NYE Bash, only minutes away in Sheridan, TX. Just down the street is Mudbuddys, a 300+ acre ATV ranch with endless trails and nighttime neon-light convoys where overnight stayers light up their ATVs and follow each other down the trails. Ezzell ISD public schools are 10 minutes away along CR 1. A Great Investment for future development and property values as the Houston expansion is headed westward. We have carefully priced this property to be best in market for ranch land that has public road frontage, access to water, not in a flood zone and clean title. Each new lot meets County and TCEQ requirements for OSSF (On-Site Septic Facility) permitting and over 150? of public road frontage. This property is Not in any Flood Zone and has been observed during periods of heavy rain cycles to run off and drain normally. Well Depths in this area are reasonable averaging 160? to 280? in depth. Well drillers in this area recommend drilling at least 200 feet because the top soil water can drain down several feet during peak demand when local rice farm wells are drawing heavily during the summer. The average cost for a well in 2025 runs roughly $10k for the drilling and $4.5k for the submersible pump, tank, pipes and housings. We recommend contacting Darrell Ferguson for well drilling (contact information below) who lives 5 minutes away. Dimensions for Lot # 4 measure 295 ft wide by 321 ft deep. Final surveys are ready and all boundaries and corners have been located, staked and flagged. Dimensions for the Metal storage shed located on Lot # 3 measure 14 feet wide and 40 feet deep. The door opening itself measures approximately 8 foot 9 inches wide. Lot 3 also features an existing secondary electric pole and GVEC Meter plus two 30-Amp outlets plus two 110-Volt outlets already installed for RVs usage. A 10? easement has been reserved along the roadside boundary of each property to allow for maximum flexibility in accessing electric service without having to obtain easements from any neighbors. Electric service is provided by GVEC. This Property Allows: Full-Time RV Storage or Residential Living Full-Time Mobile campers (travel trailers) Tiny Homes Manufacture Housing Conventional Builds Storage Buildings and Shops Barndominium Light Covenants to Protect Your Property Value Light covenants have been introduced to protect your investment and privacy on the land. No uses or uses as junkyards or salvage yards shall be permitted. No pigs or dog boarding establishments. New or late-model (10 Years or Newer) Tiny Homes and Manufactured Homes to be HUD-Compliant and permanently affixed, under skirted, and anchored with connection to Septic prior to occupancy. No restriction on multiple residences. RVs to be of late-model and self-contained if not connected to a Septic System Basic covenants protecting against un-managed fires, accumulation of junk and/or trash, and minimum standards on fencing aesthetics Utility Information: Power Utility: Call GVEC Electric Cooperative: or visit their website (website) Water Utility: Darrell Ferguson (well driller). or Joe Ferguson Water Well Drilling Sewer Utility: Call Hurt?s Septic Systems
MLS# 150272

Courtesy Of Round Top Real Estate

(979) 249-5732

Property Features

  • Architecture Style
  • Lot Size
    2.17 Acres

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$ /year
$ /year
$ /month

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Calculators provided for estimating purposes only. Consult with your lender to determine precise payment requirements.


Hallettsville Elementary School

Grades PK-4 Public School

Hallettsville, TX 77964 16.5 miles
308 n ridge st

388 total students
13:1 Student teacher ratio

Hallettsville Jr High School

Grades 5-8 Public School

Hallettsville, TX 77964 15.9 miles
410 s russell st

353 total students
15:1 Student teacher ratio

Local area information for Hallettsville, TX 77964

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Hallettsville, TX 77964

This community’s employment is highest in the sales and administrative support industries. The area’s overall household expenses are above the national average.

96° August
Hottest Average Month

41° January
Coldest Average Month
3,755 Total Households in Area
of households
have children
26 minutes
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Demographic facts
for Hallettsville, TX 77964

Hallettsville, TX 77964 has a population of 8,846 people in 3,755 households with a median age of 44.1 years old.

Up 1.9%
Increase in population
since the year 2010

Population is Trending up
Total households as of 2010

Community Population By Age

Community Population By Ethnicity

White 81%
Hispanic 14%
Black 7%
Other 4%
Asian <1%
Native American <1%

for Hallettsville, TX 77964

16 /sq mi
Population Density
$60,253 /yr
Median Household Income
Median Sales Price
26 min
Median Commute Time

Household Expenses vs National Average

Household by Income

Transportation to Work

  • Drive 94%
  • Work from Home 5%
  • Walk or Bike 2%
  • Public Transit 0%

Occupancy by Type

Owned 2,740 58%
Rented 1,015 21%
Vacant 976 21%

White vs Blue Collar Jobs

White Collar 65%
Blue Collar 35%

Family & Education Facts
for Hallettsville, TX 77964

44.1 Median Age

Average Household Size

persons per


Married Households

Community Population By Education

High School Graduate 37%
Some College 23%
Bachelors Degree 14%
Some High School 13%
Associates Degree 8%
Graduate Degree 6%

Household Family Expenses vs National Average

28.1% of households have children

for Hallettsville, TX 77964

The weather for this area ranges from a high of 96° F in August to a low of 41° F in January

96° August
Hottest Average Month
41° January
Coldest Average Month

Average Temperature by Month

Low (°F)
High (°F)

Average Temperature in Degrees Fahrenheit


Precipitation (inch)

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