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Headshot of Sharon Wong

Sharon Wong of CENTURY 21 Realty Associates

I speak: Chinese, Chinese (Mandarin), Chinese (Yue/Cantonese), English
Luxury specialist
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Professional Designations

  • Chinese American Real Estate Professionals Assoc.
  • Fine Homes and Estates Specialist
  • Institute of Real Estate Management
  • Accredited Residential Manager
  • Member, Asian Real Estate Association of America
  • REALTOR, National Association of REALTORS
  • Broker Price Opinion Resource

Personal Profile

Ms. Sharon S. Wong

President and CEO of CENTURY 21 Realty Associates, ARM,CAM,MLO,E.A.

Sharon's clients state that she" firmly believes and practices hard work and honesty." Sharon is a graduate of Loyola University Chicago in Business Administration, and holds a certification in Executive Real Estate Business, and is an Illinois licensed Real Estate Managing Broker, Property Manager, Mortgage Originator, Insurance Agent, and I.R.S. Enrolled Agent. Moreover, she has earned certified luxury home marketing specialists, certified new home specialists, and International Management Academy (IMA) certificate. Since 2003, she brings valuable experience in real estate, investment, and development to serve her clients locally and internationally. Her extensive professional background, tax and financial knowledge always exceed her client' expectations.

Sharon has a passion for helping others and really enjoys volunteering time with various non-profit organizations including church, school, community support and etc. She is the 2023 Chapter President of Asian Real Estate Association of American (AREAA). In her role as the leader and voice AREAA, she is committed to increasing community involvement and engagement and bridging the homeownership gap in the AANHPI community. She joins AREAA to stand together as one powerful voice to help AANHPI families achieve the American dream!

Sharon Wong (黃先維)是芝加哥房地產開發、高端地產投資諮詢顧問和地產經紀人。2018年,她加盟全球知名品牌21世紀房地產公司,與一眾資深房地產經紀精英成立21世紀聯盟地產,成為公司CEO 兼管理經紀人。Sharon 多年房地產、財務、稅務等專業經驗, 以及結合21世紀專屬的世界級營銷策略,地產代理培訓,敎育資源,互聯網技術及高效工具,為客戶提供全方位的房地產服務,助您分析和提供最前沿的物業資訊、投資策略、並助您找到最理想的物業。

她獲得芝加哥Loyola大學工商管理系統,會計信息系統和市場學雙學位,持有房地產高級行政資格認證,伊利諾州持牌包括房地產經紀人經理、物業管理經理認證、按揭顧問、保險代理人和聯邦註冊稅務師資格。此外, 她擁有高端房產銷售資格認證,新建房產銷售專業資格認證,國際管理學院證書,精通英文、廣東話和普通話。自2003年以來,她和她的團隊為大芝加哥地區和國際客戶提供服務,銷售量超過1.1億美元,2020年11月公司榮居芝加哥地區性縂銷售量第一位及2020年個人頂級銷售經紀人。她廣泛的專業背景,稅務和財務知識,在業務處理中如魚得水、游刃有餘,超出客戶的期望。

Sharon是美國亞裔房地產協會芝加哥分會2023會長、華人企業家協會副會長及財務、及美國中餐學會副主席,積極回饋社會。她認為「回饋社會不是附加條件或要求,而是使命,是初心,也是我們公司不可或缺的一部分。」誠實、有耐心和極強的責任心,這是很多客戶對Sharon的一致評價,她被客戶讚譽為"堅信辛勤工作和誠實必將得以回報,並付之行動的典範" 。Sharon 座右銘是『臻於至善』。

Locations Served (2)

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CENTURY 21 Realty Associates

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